Sustainable clothing brands in Spain

Sustainable clothing brands in Spain

Cars, airplanes and energy are probably what always comes to mind when people are asked, "Name a few of the industries with the most environmental impact?". The fashion industry is not the first to come to our mind, yet it is a major user of fossil fuels, relying heavily on petrochemical products that come from those oil and gas companies that we all thing when we hear environmental impact. 

Today, the fashion industry contributes 10% of the total CO2 output, which is more than all shipping and international flights add up, based on UNEP data.

If carbon dioxide was not enough, the fashion industry is responsible for a fifth of all the plastic produced, with polyester which is derived from oil been a major responsible for this. Not only most polyester clothing is not recycled, it will end up mostly turning into microplastic pollution consequently harming life underwater. 

Environmental impact, waste, dangerous and unethical working conditions make of the fashion industry a major contributor to the precarious situation of many communities as well as to climate change. 

Now more than ever our world and society needs of innovation and solutions within the industry, that has seen "fast fashion" complicating things. Luckily entrepreneurs and teams all around the world are standing up to the challenge and bringing to market sustainable, ethical and truly amazing clothing so that wearing clothes is not a burden to the people and the planet. We show you some of this innovative and sustainable fashion brands in Spain.

Sustainable Fashion Brand: BRAVA FABRICS

Doing the things right in every corner of their business we find this ethical and sustainable, while friendly business from Barcelona, Brava Fabrics. 

Working Conditions: Close relationships to local tailors in Spain and Portugal.

Materials: Where possible Brava uses organic cotton, recycled wool or Ecovero Viscose.

Packaging: Recyclable cardboard for boxes, labels and hangers. Compostable cornstarch for the shipping mailer.

Read more at: Sustainability at Brava Fabrics

Sustainable Fashion Brand: LAGAAM

Another young brand from Barcelona, setting the bar for sustainable fashion, Lagaam. The team at Lagaam, led by Inés Arroyo, design bold pieces for dazzling people, they want all women to wear luxury if they want to. Far from an easy task, Lagaam has achieved bringing together attainable luxury with sustainable fashion.

Working Conditions: All factories are within Spain, close to the brand's HQ's and supporting some small tailors.

Emissions: Lagaam is carbon neutral.

On-Demand: Lagaam is a zero-stock brand, meaning they produce what is going to be sold and used, no dead-stock going to the landfill or been incinerated. A certain level of exclusivity per design, that secures zero waste in the production.

Read more at: Sustainability at Lagaam


Sustainable Fashion Brand: MINIMALISM

If you are into the world of entrepreneurship and enjoy podcasts, chances are that you will love their laidback and curious podcasts. Started by Pepe Martín and Victor Rodado, Minimalism advocated a life with only what we need. They believe that sustainable clothing should be accessible to everyone and that is exactly what they have set themselves to do.

Working conditions: All their clothing is produced under fair working conditions in Spain and Portugal.

Materials: All their clothes, from t-shirts to socks, are made of organic cotton.

Zero Waste: Partnering with Recumadrid, Minimalism is making possible and easy to recycled clothing and reduce the vast amount of textile waste there is in Spain.

Transparency: You will be pleasantly surprised when you see that each piece of closing comes with a tag explaining you the costs involved in that piece, so that the consumer can understand and see where their money goes.

Read or listen more at: Transparency at Minimalism Brand

Sustainable Fashion Brand: CLOTSY

The love of Ángela and Alfonso for fashion, the planet, life and the fact that their clothing did not represent their philosophy inspired them to create Clotsy. An ethical, vegan and sustainable fashion brand that feels good to wear.

Materials: From organic cotton to recycled water bottles, all the way to sustainable linen and coffee scrubs, everything they do has you and the planet in mind.

Working conditions: Designed in Valencia, and fully produced in the peninsula to ensure traceability for quality and sustainability.

Community: Each clothing piece, helps the team at Clotsy donate and support different social and environmental initiatives that give back.

Read more at: Sustainability at Clotsy

Sustainable Fashion Brand: ALOHAS

At Alohas, they’re doing a lot more than making shoes; they’re trying to disrupt consumption as we know it and change the way people shop for fashion.

Materials: Alohas do their best to also produce vegan products, which are the most sustainable option. Otherwise they only work with suppliers certified by the Leather Working Group, the world’s largest leather sustainability program.

Production: On-demand production ensures that Alohas can predict demand for products and produce what is truly wanted and needed. No waste.

Emissions: With each order Alohas allow you to offset the emissions of the purchase, so that you reduce even further your shopping footprint.

Read more at: Sustainability at Alohas

